
This glossary is meant to cover terms that aren't easily searched for via the search bar. E.g., it lists "arity" but not specific Forge language constructs like pred or sig.


The arity of a relation is the number of columns in the relation; that is, the number of elements of a tuple in that relation.

An atom is a distinct object within an instance.

An instance is a concrete scenario that abides by the rules of a model, containing specific atoms and their relationships to each other.

A model is a representation of a system. In Forge, a model comprises a set of sig and field definitions, along with constraints.

Glossary of Errors

This section contains tips related to some error terminology in Forge.

Please specify an upper bound for ancestors of ...

If A is a sig, and you get an error that says "Please specify an upper bound for ancestors of A", this means that, while you've defined the contents of A, Forge cannot infer corresponding contents for the parent sig of A and needs you to provide a binding.


Given this definition:

sig Course {}
sig Intro, Intermediate, UpperLevel extends Course {} 

and this example:

example someIntro is {wellformed} for {
    Intro = `CSCI0150

the above error will be produced. Add a bound for Course:

example someIntro is {wellformed} for {
    Intro = `CSCI0150
    Course = `CSCI0150

Invalid example ... the instance specified is impossible ...

If an example fails, Forge will attempt to disambiguate between:

  • it actually fails the predicate under test; and
  • it fails because it violates the type declarations for sigs and fields.

Consider this example:

Impossible Instance

#lang forge/bsl 

abstract sig Grade {} 
one sig A, B, C, None extends Grade {} 
sig Course {} 
sig Person { 
    grades: func Course -> Grade,
    spouse: lone Person 

pred wellformed { 
    all p: Person | p != p.spouse 
    all p1,p2: Person | p1 = p2.spouse implies p2 = p1.spouse

example selfloopNotWellformed is {wellformed} for {
    Person = `Tim + `Nim 
    Course = `CSCI1710 + `CSCI0320
    A = `A   B = `B   C = `C   None = `None 
    Grade = A + B + C + None

    -- this violates wellformed
    `Tim.spouse = `Tim 
    -- but this violates the definition: "grades" is a total function
    -- from courses to grades; there's no entry for `CSCI0320.
    `Tim.grades = (`CSCI1710) -> B

If you receive this message, it means your example does something like the above, where some type declaration unrelated to the predicate under test is being violated.

Unexpected type or Contract Violation

In Forge there are 2 kinds of constraint syntax for use in predicates:

  • formulas, which evaluate to true or false; and
  • expressions, which evaluate to values like specific atoms.

If you write something like this:

Contract Violation

#lang forge/bsl 
sig Person {spouse: lone Person}
run { some p: Person | p.spouse}


some: contract violation
  expected: formula?
  given: (join p (Relation spouse))

The syntax is invalid: the some quantifier expects a formula after its such-that bar, but p.spouse is an expression. Something like some p.spouse is OK. (The phrase "contract violation" in this case just means "I was passed something I didn't expect.")


Unexpected Type

sig Person {spouse: lone Person}
run { all p1,p2: Person | p1.spouse = p2.spouse implies p2.spouse}

results in:

=>: argument to => had unexpected type. 
  expected #<procedure:node/formula?>,
  got (join p2 (Relation spouse))

Since implies is a boolean operator, it takes a formula as its argument. Unfortunately, p2.spouse is an expression, not a formula. To fix this, express what you really meant was implied.