
Forge supports bit-vector integers. That is, the Forge Int sig does not contain an infinite set of mathematical integers. Rather, an instance's Int sig contains a representation of a subset of the integers following two's-complement encoding for a specific number of bits. Concretely, if the bitwidth is , the integers in an instance will be the interval . The default bitwidth is 4.


If we run with a bitwidth of 2, we only expect available integers: -2 through 1, inclusive.

Bounded integers and overflow

Remember that a bound on Int is the bitwidth allowed, not the number of integers! This is different from all other types in Forge.

Moreover, performing arithmetic on Forge integers may trigger integer overflow or underflow.

Example: With a bitwidth of 4, add[7, 1] evaluates to -8.

For more on integer bounds, see [[Bounds|Bounds]].


There are technically two types of "integers" in Forge: integer values (e.g. 4) and integer atoms (e.g. the atom representing 4 in a given instance). You can think of this as roughly similar to the primitive-int vs. object-Integer distinction in Java, although the analogy is not perfect. Forge will usually be able to automatically convert between these two, and you shouldn't usually have to think about the difference. We still mention it here for completeness.

Integer Operators

In the following, <atoms> represents a set of integer atoms and <value>, <value-a> and <value-b> are integer values.

  • add[<value-a>, <value-b> ...]: returns the value of the sum value-a + value-b + ...
  • subtract[<value-a>, <value-a> ...]: returns the value of the difference value-a - value-b - ...
  • multiply[<value-a>, <value-b> ...]: returns the value of the product value-a * value-b * ...
  • divide[<value-a>, <value-b> ...]: returns the value of the left-associative integer quotient (value-a / value-b) / ...
  • remainder[<value-a>, <value-b>]: returns the remainder for doing integer division. Note that if value-a is negative, the result will also be negative, and that integer wrap-around may affect the answer.
  • abs[<value>]: returns the absolute value of value
  • sign[<value>]: returns 1 if value is > 0, 0 if value is 0, and -1 if value is < 0

Comparison operators on values

You can compare integer values using the usual =, <, <=, >, and >=.


Given an arbitrary expression e, the expression #e evaluates to the cardinality of (i.e., number of elements in) e. In Froglet, this is nearly always either 0 or 1, although full Forge allows expressions that evaluate to sets of arbitrary size.

If you're counting, check the bitwidth!

Forge only represents possible integers, where is the bitwidth. If you attempt to count beyond that (or do arithmetic that falls outside the available integers) Forge's solver will follow the two's complement convention and wrap. Thus, at a bitwidth of 4, which allows counting between -8 and 7 (inclusive), add[7,1] is -8.

Counting in Froglet

It is often useful to count even in Froglet, where expressions usually evaluate to either none or some singleton object. For example, in a tic-tac-toe model we might want to count the number of X entries on the board. In both Froglet and Forge, we can write this using a combination of # and set comprehension (normally not available in Froglet): #{row, col: Int | b.board[row][col] = X}.


#{x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn | <fmla>}

evaluates to an integer value reflecting the number of tuples o1, ... on where <fmla> is satisfied when x1 takes the value o1, etc.

Aggregation and Conversion

To convert between sets of integer atoms and integer values there are the following operations:

  • sing[<value>]: returns an integer atom representing the given value;
  • sum[<atoms>]: returns an integer value: the sum of the values that are represented by each of the int atoms in the set;
  • max[<atoms>]: returns an integer value: the maximum of all the values represented by the int atoms in the set; and
  • min[<atoms>]: returns an integer value: the minimum of all the values represented by the int atoms in the set.

While you might use sum, max, and min, you shouldn't need to use sing---Forge automatically converts between integer values and integer objects. If you do find you need to use sing, notify us ASAP!

Sum Aggregator

You should be cautious using sum[...] once you start using the Relational Forge language. Suppose you have sig A { i: one Int }, and want to sum over all of the i values for every A. Duplicate values for i may exist across multiple A atoms. Then sum[A.i] would not count duplicates separately, since A.i evaluates to a set, which can have no duplicates!

Because of this problem, Forge provides a second way to use sum which does count duplicates:

sum <x>: <set> | { <int-expr> }

Above, x is a variable name, set is the set you are quantifying over (currently only arity-1 sets are supported), and int-expr is an expression that evaluates to an integer value. The result of this entire expression is also an integer value. This counts duplicate integer values provided the atoms (of any type) in "relation" are different. The following example illustrates the difference between the two different uses of sum.

Sum aggregator

In the instance:

inst duplicates {
    A = `A0 + `A1
    time = `A0 -> 1 + `A1 -> 1
  • sum[A.time] evaluates to the value 1; and
  • sum a: A | sum[a.time] evaluates to the value 2.

Only one variable at a time

The sum aggregator doesn't support multiple variables at once. If you want to express something like sum x, y: A | ..., write sum x: A | sum y : A | ... instead.

The Successor Relation

Forge also provides a successor relation, succ (Int -> Int) where each Int atom points to its successor (e.g. the Int atom 4 points to 5). The maximum Int atom does not point to anything.