
In the following, <x> is a variable, <expr> is an expression of arity 1, and <fmla> is a formula (that can use the variable <x>). You can quantify over a unary set in the following ways:

  • some <x>: <expr> | { <fmla> }: true when <fmla> is true for at least one element in <expr>; and
  • all <x>: <expr> | { <fmla> }: true when <fmla> is true for all elements in <expr>

If you want to quantify over several variables, you can also do the following:

  • some <x>: <expr-a>, <y>: <expr-b> | { <fmla> }; or
  • some <x>, <y>: <expr> | { <fmla> }.

The syntax is the same for other quantifiers, such as all.

Complex Quantifiers

Forge also provides 3 additional quantifiers, which encode somewhat richer constraints than the above:

  • no <x>: <expr> | { <fmla> }: true when <fmla> is false for all elements in <expr>
  • lone <x>: <expr> | { <fmla> }: true when <fmla> is true for zero or one elements in <expr>
  • one <x>: <expr> | { <fmla> }: true when <fmla> is true for exactly one element in <expr>

The above 3 quantifiers (no, lone, and one) should be used carefully. Because they invisibly encode extra constraints, they do not commute the same way some and all quantifiers do. E.g., some x : A | some y : A | myPred[x,y] is always equivalent to some y : A | some x : A | myPred[x,y], but one x : A | one y : A | myPred[x,y] is NOT always equivalent to one y : A | one x : A | myPred[x,y]. (Why not? Try it out in Forge!)


Beware combining the no, one, and lone quantifiers with multiple variables at once; the meaning of, e.g., one x, y: A | ... is "there exists a unique pair <x, y> such that ...". This is different from the meaning of one x: A | one y: A | ..., which is "there is a unique x such that there is a unique y such that ...".

Quantifying Over Disjoint Objects

Sometimes, it might be useful to try to quantify over all pairs of elements in A, where the two in the pair are distinct atoms. You can do that using the disj keyword, e.g.:

  • some disj x, y : A | ... (adds an implicit x != y and ...); and
  • all disj x, y : A | ... (adds an implicit x != y implies ...)`