

Forge instances give the context in which constraints are evaluated. E.g., an instance might describe:

  • Tim's family tree, going back 3 generations;
  • CSCI courses offered at Brown this semester, with information on who teaches each;
  • the current state of a chessboard;
  • an entire game of tic-tac-toe;
  • etc. What an instance contains depends on the current model. Family-tree instances would make sense if the model had defined people, a parenthood relationship, etc.---but not if it was about the game of chess!

An instance gives concrete values for sigs and their fields. It says which atoms actually exist in the world, and what their fields contain. This is what gives constraints their meaning. We could write a model of tic-tac-toe in Forge, but statements like "some player has won the game" is neither true nor false by itself---it depends on the instance.

The remainder of this page defines instances more formally.


If you are working in Froglet, the remainder of this page may reference terms you are as yet unfamiliar with. Don't worry; this will be covered more in class. Informally, you might read "relation" as "function".


## Formal Definition of Instances

Because `sig` definitions can involve concepts like inheritance, partial functions, and uniqueness, the precise definition is a bit involved.

Consider an arbitrary Forge model $M$ that defines some `sig`s and fields.

An _instance_ is a collection of finite sets for each `sig` and field in the model. For each `sig S` in the model, an instance contains a set $S$ where:
  - if `S` has a parent `sig P`, then the contents of $S$ must be a subset of the contents of $P$;
  - for any pair of child-sigs of `S`, `C1` and `C2`, $C_1$ and $C_2$ have no elements in common; 
  - if `S` is declared `abstract` and has child sigs, then any object in $S$ must also be present in $C$ for some `sig C` that extends `sig S`; and
  - if `S` is declared `one` or `lone`, then $S$ contains exactly one or at most one object, respectively.

For each field `f` of type `S1 -> ... -> Sn` of `sig S` in the model, an instance contains a set $f$ where:
  - $f$ is subset of the cross product $S\times S_1 \times ... \times S_N$;
  - if `f` is declared `one` or `lone`, then $f$ can only contain exactly one or at most one object, respectively;
  - if `f` is declared `func`, then there is exactly one entry in $f$ for each $(s, s_1, ..., s_{n-1})$ in $S\times S_1 \times ... \times S_{(n-1)}$.
  - if `f` is declared `pfunc`, then there is at most one entry in $f$ for each $(s, s_1, ..., s_{n-1})$ in $S\times S_1 \times ... \times S_{(n-1)}$.

The union over all `sig`-sets $S$ in an instance (including the built-in sig `Int`) is said to be the _universe_ of that instance.

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Fields are not objects

<a class="admonition-anchor-link" href="#admonition-fields-are-not-objects"></a>

It is sometimes useful to use terminology from object-oriented programming to think about Forge models. For example, we can think of a `pfunc` field like a dictionary in Python or a map in Java. However, _a field is not an object_. This matters for at least two reasons:
- We can't write a constraint like "every `pfunc` field in the model is non-empty", because there's no set of `pfunc` "objects" to examine.
- Two different objects in an instance will be considered non-equal in Forge, even if they belong to the same `sig` and have identical field contents. In contrast, two fields themselves are equal in Forge if they have identical contents; fields are relations that involve atoms, not objects themselves.


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Tuples, Arity

<a class="admonition-anchor-link" href="#admonition-tuples-arity"></a>

An ordered list of elements is called a _tuple_, and we'll sometimes use that term to refer to elements of the `sig` and field sets in an instance. The number of elements in a tuple is called its _arity_. Since any single `sig` or field set will contain tuples with the same arity, we can safely talk about the arity of these sets as well. E.g., in the above definition, a field `f` of type `S1 -> ... -> Sn` in `sig S` would always correspond to a set with arity $n+1$.
