2023.5: Intro to Modeling (Part 4, FAQ)

(Brown CSCI 1710) Logistics

We'll be starting in-class exercises soon. These are graded for participation, but are a significant part of your grade.

Today we're going to answer some anticipated questions Then we'll move on to more modeling in tic-tac-toe.

For Brown CSCI 1710

You might have seen on your homework that we're asking you to generate a family tree demonstrating how someone can be their own "grandparent", without also being their own "ancestor". This might, quite reasonably, sound contradictory.

One of the tricky things about modeling is that often you're trying to formalize something informal. Is it possible that one of those statements is about biology, and one is a social definition, which might be a bit more broad?

A Visual Sketch of How Forge Searches

There are infinitely many potential family tree instances based on the model you're working on in this week's homework. But Forge needs to work with a finite search space, which is where the bounds of a run come in; they limit the set of instances Forge will even consider. Constraints you write are not yet involved at this point.

Once the bounded search space has been established, Forge uses the constraints you write to find satisfying instances within the bounded search space.

This is one reason why the compiler is a bit less smart than we'd like. The engine uses bounds and constraints very differently, and inferring constraints is often less efficient than inferring bounds. But the engine treats them differently, which means sometimes the distinction leaks through.

"Nulls" in Forge

In Forge, there is a special value called none. It's analogous (but not exactly the same) as a null in languages like Java.

Suppose I added this predicate to our run command in the tic-tac-toe model:

pred myIdea {
    all row1, col1, row2, col2: Int | 
        (row1 != row2 or col1 != col2) implies
            Game.initialState.board[row1][col1] != 

I'm trying to express that every entry in the board is different. This should easily be true about the initial board, as there are no pieces there.

For context, recall that we had defined a Game sig earlier:

one sig Game {
  initialState: one State,
  nextState: pfunc State -> State

What do you think would happen?

Think (or try it in Forge) then click!

It's very likely this predicate would be unsatisfiable, given the constraints on the initial state. Why?

Because none equals itself! We can check this:

test expect {
    nullity: {none != none} is unsat

Thus, when you're writing constraints like the above, you need to watch out for none: the value for every cell in the initial board is equal to the value for every other cell!

Reachability and none

The none value in Forge has at least one more subtlety: none is "reachable" from everything if you're using the built-in reachable helper predicate. That has an impact even if we don't use none explicitly. If I write something like: reachable[p.spouse, Nim, parent1, parent2] I'm asking whether, for some person p, their spouse is an ancestor of Nim. If p doesn't have a spouse, then p.spouse is none, and so this predicate would yield true for p.

Some as a Quantifier Versus Some as a Multiplicity

The keyword some is used in 2 different ways in Forge:

  • it's a quantifier, as in some b: Board, p: Player | winner[s, p], which says that somebody has won in some board; and
  • it's a multiplicity operator, as in some Game.initialState.board[1][1], which says that that cell of the initial board is populated.

Implies vs. Such That

You can read some row : Int | ... as "There exists some integer row such that ...". The transliteration isn't quite as nice for all; it's better to read all row : Int | ... as "In all integer rows, it holds that ...".

If you want to further restrict the values used in an all, you'd use implies. But if you want to add additional requirements for a some, you'd use and. Here are 2 examples:

  • All: "Everybody who has a parent1 doesn't also have that person as their parent2": all p: Person | some p.parent1 implies p.parent1 != p.parent2.
  • Some: "There exists someone who has a parent1 and a spouse": some p: Person | some p.parent1 and some p.spouse.

Technical aside: The type designation on the variable can be interpreted as having a character similar to these add-ons: and (for some) and implies (for all). E.g., "there exists some row such that row is an integer and ...", or "In all rows, if row is an integer, it holds that...".

There Exists some Atom vs. Some Instance

Forge searches for instances that satisfy the constraints you give it. Every run in Forge is about satisfiability; answering the question "Does there exist an instance, such that...".

Crucially, you cannot write a Forge constraint that quantifies over instances themselves. You can ask Forge "does there exist an instance such that...", which is pretty flexible on its own. E.g., if you want to check that something holds of all instances, you can ask Forge to find counterexamples. This is how assert ... is necessary for ... is implemented, and how the examples from last week worked.

One Versus Some

The one quantifier is for saying "there exists a UNIQUE ...". As a result, there are hidden constraints embedded into its use. one x: A | myPred[x] really means, roughly, some x: A | myPred[x] and all x2: A | not myPred[x]. This means that interleaving one with other quantifiers can be subtle; for that reason, we won't use it except for very simple constraints.

If you use quantifiers other than some and all, beware. They're convenient, but various issues can arise.

Testing Predicate Equivalence

Checking whether or not two predicates are equivalent is the core of quite a few Forge applications---and a great debugging technique sometimes.

How do you do it? Like this:

pred myPred1 {
    some i1, i2: Int | i1 = i2
pred myPred2 {
    not all i2, i1: Int | i1 != i2
assert myPred1 is necessary for myPred2
assert myPred2 is necessary for myPred1

If you get an instance where the two predicates aren't equivalent, you can use the Sterling evaluator to find out why. Try different subexpressions, discover which is producing an unexpected result! E.g., if we had written (forgetting the not):

pred myPred2 {
    all i2, i1: Int | i1 != i2

One of the assertions would fail, yielding an instance in Sterling you could use the evaluator with.

Old Testing Syntax and a Lesson

Alternatively, using the older test expect syntax works too. I'm not going to use this syntax in class if I don't need to, because it's less intentional. But using it here lets me highlight a common conceptual issue with Forge in general.

test expect {
    -- correct: "no counterexample exists"
    p1eqp2_A: {
        not (myPred1 iff myPred2)        
    } is unsat
    -- incorrect: "it's possible to satisfy what i think always holds"
    p1eqp2_B: {
        myPred1 iff myPred2
    } is sat


These two tests do not express the same thing! One asks Forge to find an instance where the predicates are not equivalent (this is what we want). The other asks Forge to find an instance where they are equivalent (this is what we're hoping holds for any instance, not just one)!

Use assert

We encourage using assert whenever possible in practice. We'll show you soon how to use assert with predicates that take arguments, etc.