2023.5 Introduction to Modeling (Part 3, Transitions)

Today's livecode is here.

Let's continue where we left off. In your lab this week, you probably saw a finished move predicate that was very similar to the one we started writing.

Suppose we ended up with something like this:

pred move[pre: Board, row: Int, col: Int, p: Player, post: Board] {
  -- guard:
  no pre.board[row][col]   -- nobody's moved there yet
  p = X implies XTurn[pre] -- appropriate turn
  p = O implies OTurn[pre]  
  -- action:
  post.board[row][col] = p
  all row2: Int, col2: Int | (row!=row2 and col!=col2) implies {        
     post.board[row2][col2] = pre.board[row2][col2]     

There's actually a bug in this predicate. Can you use Forge to find it?

Think, then click The `all row2...` formula says that for any board location where _both the row and column differ_ from the move's, the board remains the same. But is that what we really wanted? Suppose `X` moves at location `1`, `1`. Then of the 9 locations, which is actually protected?
01no (column 1 = column 1)
10no (row 1 = row 1)
11no (as intended)
12no (row 1 = row 1)
21no (column 1 = column 1)

Our frame condition was too weak! We need to have it take effect whenever either the row or column is different. Something like this will work:

  all row2: Int, col2: Int | 
    ((row2 != row) or (col2 != col)) implies {    
       post.board[row2][col2] = pre.board[row2][col2]     

A Simple Property

Once someone wins a game, does their win still persist, even if more moves are made? I'd like to think so: moves never get undone, and in our model winning just means the existence of 3-in-a-row for some player.

We probably believe this without checking it, but not all such preservation properties are so straightforward. We'll check this one in Forge as an example of how you might prove something similar in a more complex system.

Looking Ahead: This is our first step into the world of verification. Asking whether or not a program, algorithm, or other system satisfies some assertion is a core problem in formal methods, and has a long and storied history that we'll be talking about over the next weeks.

We'll tell Forge to find us pairs of states, connected by a move: the pre-state before the move, and the post-state after it. That's any potential transition in tic-tac-toe. The trick is in adding two more constraints. We'll say that someone has won in the pre-state, but they haven't won in the post-state.

pred winningPreservedCounterexample {
  some pre, post: Board | {
    some row, col: Int, p: Player | 
      move[pre, post, row, col, p]
    winner[pre, X]
    not winner[post, X]
run {
  all s: Board | wellformed[s]

The check passes---Forge can't find any counterexamples. We'll see this reported as "UNSAT" in the visualizer.

Aside: the visualizer also has a "Next" button. If you press it enough times, Forge runs out of solutions to show. Right now, this is indicated by some frowning emoji---not the best message.

Generating Complete Games

Recall that our worldview for this model is that systems transition between states, and thus we can think of a system as a directed graph. If the transitions have arguments, we'll sometimes label the edges of the graph with those arguments. This view is sometimes called a discrete event model, because one event happens at a time. Here, the events are moves of the game. In a bigger model, there might be many different types of events.

Today, we'll ask Forge to find us traces of the system, starting from an initial state. We'll also add a Game sig to incorporate some metadata.

one sig Game {
  initialState: one Board,
  next: pfunc Board -> Board

pred traces {
    -- The trace starts with an initial state
    no sprev: Board | Game.next[sprev] = Game.initialState
    -- Every transition is a valid move
    all s: Board | some Game.next[s] implies {
      some row, col: Int, p: Player |
        move[s, row, col, p, Game.next[s]]

By itself, this wouldn't be quite enough; we might see a bunch of disjoint traces. We could add more constraints manually, but there's a better option: tell Forge, at runtime, that next represents a linear ordering on states.

run {
} for {next is linear}

The key thing to notice here is that next is linear isn't a constraint; it's a separate annotation given to Forge alongside a run or a test. Never put such an annotation in a constraint block; Forge won't understand it. These annotations narrow Forge's bounds (the space of possible worlds to check) which means they can often make problems more efficient for Forge to solve.

You'll see this {next is linear} annotation again in lab this week. In general, Forge accepts such annotations after numeric bounds. E.g., if we wanted to see full games, rather than unfinished game prefixes (remember: the default bound on Board is up to 4) we could have asked:

run {
} for exactly 10 Board for {next is linear}

You might notice that because of this, some traces are excluded. That's because next is linear forces exact bounds on Board. More on this next time.

Running And The Evaluator

Forge's default visualization for boards is difficult to use. Directed graphs are great for some applications, but not so good here. That's why we've been using the "table" visualization. Our visualizer (called Sterling) allows you to write short JavaScript visualization scripts. The following script produces game visualizations with states like this:

We'll talk more about visualization scripts later. For now, here's an example from last year---this year's scripts are less verbose and more straightforward to write.

Click to see script.
const d3 = require('d3')
d3.selectAll("svg > *").remove();

  Visualizer for the in-class tic-tac-toe model. This is written in "raw" 
  D3, rather than using our helper libraries. If you're familiar with 
  visualization in JavaScript using this popular library, this is how you 
  would use it with Forge.

  Note that if you _aren't_ familiar, that's OK; we'll show more examples 
  and give more guidance in the near future. The helper library also makes 
  things rather easier. 

  TN 2024

  Note: if you're using this style, the require for d3 needs to come before anything 
  else, even comments.

function printValue(row, col, yoffset, value) {
    .style("fill", "black")
    .attr("x", (row+1)*10)
    .attr("y", (col+1)*14 + yoffset)

function printState(stateAtom, yoffset) {
  for (r = 0; r <= 2; r++) {
    for (c = 0; c <= 2; c++) {
      printValue(r, c, yoffset,
    .attr('x', 5)
    .attr('y', yoffset+1)
    .attr('width', 40)
    .attr('height', 50)
    .attr('stroke-width', 2)
    .attr('stroke', 'black')
    .attr('fill', 'transparent');

var offset = 0
for(b = 0; b <= 10; b++) {  
  if(Board.atom("Board"+b) != null)
    printState(Board.atom("Board"+b), offset)  
  offset = offset + 55

The Evaluator

Moreover, since we're now viewing a single fixed instance, we can evaluate Forge expressions in it. This is great for debugging, but also for just understanding Forge a little bit better. Open the evaluator here at the bottom of the right-side tray, under theming. Then enter an expression or constraint here:

Type in something like some s: State | winner[s, X]. Forge should give you either #t (for true) or #f (for false) depending on whether the game shows X winning the game.


You might notice that this model takes a while to run, after we start reasoning about full games. Why might that be? Let's re-examine our bounds and see if there's anything we can adjust. In particular, here's what the evaluator says we've got for integers:

Wow---wait, do we really need to be able to count up to 7 for this model? Probably not. If we change our integer bounds to 3 Int we'll still be able to use 0, 1, and 2, and the Platonic search space is much smaller; Forge takes under 3 seconds now on my laptop.